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The Sudan Archaeological Society (SAG e.V.) participated in various activities to mark the 200th birthday of Carl Richard Lepsius, one of the founding fathers of Egyptology, in 2010.
The SAG e.V. organised a trip to Sudan in the footsteps of the ‚Royal Prussian Expedition to Egypt and Ethiopia‘ of 1842-1845, which had been led by the young Carl Richard Lepisus. In 1844, the Royal Prussian Expedition reached the then largely unknown ancient monuments at the middle Nile. While searching for the origins of the Egyptian civilisation, they encountered the legendary pyramids of Meroe, the temples of the holy mountain Gebel Barkal as well as the mysterious labyrinth-like building complex at Musawwarat es Sufra. Following the trail of the expedition to northern Sudan, participants of the SAG-trip visited the impressive archaeological sites and compared their present appearance with reproductions of the ‚Royal Prussion Expedition’s‘ documentation, reflecting 19th and 21st century perspectives. All in all 16 members and friends of the SAG participated. Here you can see a selection of photos.
The SAG also participated in a student-led poster exhibition at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: ‚Beyond Egypt. Following the Trail of the Lepsius-Expedition to Ancient Sudan‚, which took place between 14 May and 9 July 2011.